# VPC Notes


  • VPC is like a house
  • Subnets are like rooms
  • Internet gateway is like your door
  • Router is like paths

# VPC Info

  • Resources to create (VPC Only or More)
  • Name tag. Should be given this field. E.g: earthtoday_vpc
  • IPv4 CIDR
    • Manual Input E.g:
    • IPAM-allocated ...
  • IPv6 CIDR block
  • Tenancy

# Subnets

  • Choose VPC
  • Subnet settings
    • name e.g: container_public_az1, container_public_az2,...
    • Available Zone
      • choose different AZ for different subnet => increase Availability
    • IPv4 CIDR E.g:,,, ...

See more

# Public tier

# Internet gateway

🔶 Create IGW

  • Name tag. Eg: container_IGW
  • Tags

🔶 Attach to VPC

✏️ Notes:

  • No need to config autoscale, HA, ...
  • Default VPC has default Internet gateway

# Route table for public

🔶 Create route table

  • RT name. Eg: container_public_rtb
  • VPC
  • Tags

🔶 Edit routes

Destination Target Internet Gateway => choose specific one

🔶 Edit subnet associations

  • choose subnets & save

# Security Group for Route table

🔹 Basic Details

  • SG name. Eg container_public_SG
  • Description. Eg Allow http, https
  • VPC

🔹 Inbound rules

Type Protocol Port range Source
Custom TCP TCP 8080 Anywhere

# Network Access Control List (NACL)

... todo

# NAT Gateway for public tier

  • Name
  • Subnet (1 subnet / 1 NAT GW)
  • Connection type (public or private)
  • Elastic IP Allocation ID

# Private tier

# Route table for Private

🔶 Create route table

  • RT name. Eg: container_private_rtb
  • VPC
  • Tags

🔶 Edit routes

Destination Target NAT Gateway => choose specific one

🔶 Edit subnet associations

  • choose subnets & save

# Security Group for Route table

🔹 Basic Details

  • SG name
  • Description
  • VPC

🔹 Inbound rules

Type Protocol Port range Source
All traffic All All Custom - from Public SG

# Network Access Control List (NACL)

... todo

# Others

# Instance from private subnet call outside

# Check Security group of private subnet


IP Version Type Protocol Port range Destination
IPv4 All traffic All All

# Check NACL of private subnet

Outbound rules

Rule number Type Protocol Port range Destination Allow / Deny
100 All traffic All All ✅ Allow

# Check Route table of private subnet

Make sure has a record to NAT Gateway of Public subnet

Destination Target NAT Gateway => choose the one of PUBLIC subnet

# Check Route table of public subnet

Destination Target Internet Gateway => choose specific one

# References

# Tools