# Aws abbreviations

# A

Abbr Meaning Desc
ARN Amazon Resource Name
ALB Application Load Balancing L7
ASG Auto Scaling Groups
AMI Amazon Machine Image
ACL Access Control List
ASR Automatic Speech Recognition

# B

Abbr Meaning Desc
BCP Business Continuity Plan

# C

Abbr Meaning Desc
CSP Cloud Service Provider
CLI AWS Command Line Interface
CDK Cloud Development Kit
CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing / supernetting a method of assigning IP addresses improves the efficiency of address distribution
CFN AWS CloudFormation
CRR Cross-Region Replication
CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
CGW Customer Gateway

# D

Abbr Meaning Desc
DNS Domain Name Server translates human friendly hostnames into the machine IP addresses
DR Disaster Recovery
DC Data Center
DAX DynamoDB Accelerator inmemory cache for DynamoDB
DX Direct Connect

# E

Abbr Meaning Desc
EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud
ELB Elastic Load Balancing
EFS Elastic File System
EBS Elastic Block Store
ECR Elastic Container Registry
ENI Elastic Network interface
EIP Elastic IP
ETL Extract, Transform and Load
ECMP Equal-cost multi-path routing

# F

Abbr Meaning Desc
FIFO First In First Out

# H

Abbr Meaning Desc
HA Highly Availability ensuring there is no SPOF
HDD Hard Disk Drive

# I

Abbr Meaning Desc
IAM Identity and Access Management
IOPS input/output operations per second
IaC Infrastructure as Code
IA Infrequent Access
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
IGW Internet Gateway

# K

Abbr Meaning Desc
KMS Key Management Service

# N

Abbr Meaning Desc
NACL Network Access Control List Firewall works at Subnet level
NAT Network Address Translation
NLP Natural Language Processing

# M

Abbr Meaning Desc
MFA Multi-Factor Authentication
MSK Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

# O

Abbr Meaning Desc
OAC Origin Access Control
OAC Origin Access Identity

# Q

Abbr Meaning Desc
QLDB Quantum Ledger Database

# R

Abbr Meaning Desc
RTO Recovery Point Objective the maximum acceptable amount of data loss
RPO Recovery Time Objective the maximum amount of downtime your busines
RAM Resource Access Manager

# S

Abbr Meaning Desc
S3 Simple Storage Service
SLA Service-level agreements
SLD Second Level Domain
SDK Software Development Kit
SG Security Group
SPOF Single point of failure
SRR Same-Region Replication
SSE Server-Side Encryption
SSE-S3 SSE with Amazon S3-Managed Keys
SSE-KMS SSE with KMS Keys stored in AWS KMS
SSE-C SSE with Customer-Provided Keys
SSD Solid-state drive
SQS Simple Queue Service
SNS Simple Notification Service
SSML Speech Synthesis Markup Language

# T

Abbr Meaning Desc
TLD Top Level Domain
TTL Time to live
TGW Transit Gateway

# P

Abbr Meaning Desc
PITR Point-In-Time Recovery
PHI Protected Health Information

# V

Abbr Meaning Desc
VPC Virtual Private Cloud
VGW Virtual Private Gateway

# W

Abbr Meaning Desc
WAF Web Application Firewall Protects your web app
WORM Write Once Read Many