# NoSQL Overview

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# Definition

There's no strong definition of the concept out there, no trademarks, no standard group, not even a manifesto.

Some characteristics are common amongst these databases, but none are definitional.

  • Not using the relational model (nor the SQL language)
  • Open source
  • Designed to run on large clusters
  • Based on the needs of 21st century web properties
  • No schema, allowing fields to be added to any record without controls

# Why NoSql?

  • Relational databases have been a successful technology for twenty years, providing persistence, concurrency control, and an integration mechanism.
  • Application developers have been frustrated with the impedance mismatch between the relational model and the in-memory data structures.
  • There is a movement away from using databases as integration points towards encapsulating databases within applications and integrating through services.
  • The vital factor for a change in data storage was the need to support large volumes of data by running on clusters. Relational databases are not designed to run efficiently on clusters.
  • NoSQL is an accidental neologism. There is no prescriptive definition—all you can make is an observation of common characteristics.
  • The most important result of the rise of NoSQL is Polyglot Persistence.

# Data Models

Data Model

  • Document
  • Column-family
  • Key-value
  • Graph

# Aggregate Data Model

An aggregate is a collection of data that we interact with as a unit. Aggregates form the boundaries for ACID operations with the database.

Key-value, document, and column-family databases can all be seen as forms of aggregate-oriented database.

Aggregates make it easier for the database to manage data storage over clusters.

Aggregate-oriented databases work best when most data interaction is done with the same aggregate; aggregate-ignorant databases are better when interactions use data organized in many different formations.

# Distribution Models

There are two styles of distributing data:

  • Sharding distributes different data across multiple servers, so each server acts as the single source for a subset of data.
  • Replication copies data across multiple servers, so each bit of data can be found in multiple places.

A system may use either or both techniques.

Replication comes in two forms:

  • Master-slave replication makes one node the authoritative copy that handles writes while slaves synchronize with the master and may handle reads.
  • Peer-to-peer replication allows writes to any node; the nodes coordinate to synchronize their copies of the data.

Master-slave replication reduces the chance of update conflicts but peer-to-peer replication avoids loading all writes onto a single point of failure.

# Row oriented vs. Column oriented

Row oriented DB Column oriented DB
stored and retrieved one row at a time and hence could read unnecessary data if some of the data in a row are required. stored and retrieve in columns and hence it can only able to read only the relevant data if required.
Records are easy to read and write. Read and write operations are slower as compared to row-oriented.
best suited for online transaction system. best suited for online analytical processing.
These are not efficient in performing operations applicable to the entire datasets and hence aggregation in row-oriented is an expensive job or operations. These are efficient in performing operations applicable to the entire dataset and hence enables aggregation over many rows and columns.
Typical compression mechanisms which provide less efficient result than what we achieve from column-oriented data stores. These type of data stores basically permits high compression rates due to little distinct or unique values in columns.

# Comparison

# Sql vs. NoSql


Model Non-relational Relational
Stores data in JSON documents. key/value pairs, wide column stores, or graphs Stores data in a table
Data Offers flexibility as not every record needs to store the same properties Great for solutions where every record has the same properties
New properties can be added on the fly Adding a new property may require altering schemas or backfilling data
Relationships are often captured by denormalizing data and presenting all data for an object in a single record Relationships are often captured in normalized model using joins to resolve references across tables
Good for semi-structured, complex or nested data Good for structured data
Schema Dynamic or flexible schemas Strict schema
Database is schema-agnostic and the schema is dictated by the application. This allows for agility and highly itertive development Schema must be maintained and kept in sync between application and database
Transactions ACID transaction support varies per solution Supports ACID transactions
Consistency & Availability Eventual to strong consistency supported, depending on solution Strong consistency enforced
Consistency, availability, and performance can be traded to meet the needs of the application (CAP theorem) Consistency is prioritized over availability and performance
Performance Performance can be maximized by reducing consistency, if needed Insert and update performance is dependent upon how fast a write is committed, as strong consistency is enforced. Performance can be maximized by using scaling up available resources and using in-memory structures.
All information about an entity is typically in a single record, so an update can happen in one operation Information about an entity may be spread across many tables or rows, requiring many joins to complete an update or a query
Scale Scaling is typically achieved horizontally with data partitioned to span servers Scaling is typically achieved vertically with more server resources
  • SQL: Structured Query Language
  • UnQL: Unstructured Query Language
  • ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability
  • CAP: Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance

# References

# Introduction to NoSQL - Martin Fowler