# CouchDB Notes

CouchDB is a database that completely embraces the web. Store your data with JSON documents. Access your documents with your web browser, via HTTP. Query, combine, and transform your documents with JavaScript.

# Eventual Consistency (opens new window)

  • Consistency: All database clients see the same data, even with concurrent updates.
  • Availability: All database clients are able to access some version of the data.
  • Partition tolerance: The database can be split over multiple servers.

CouchDb consitency

# Conflict resources

CouchDB uses an "optimistic concurrency" model. In the simplest terms, this just means that you send a document version along with your update, and CouchDB rejects the change if the current document version doesn't match what you've sent.

Question (opens new window)

# Useful API

# Database

  • HEAD /{db} - get info
  • PUT /{db} - create database
  • DELETE /{db} - delete database
  • GET /_all_dbs - find databases
  • POST /{db}/index - create index
  • PUT /{db}/_revs_limit - Sets the max no of document revisions that will be tracked by CouchDB
  • GET /{db}/_changes - polling changes

# Document

  • HEAD /{db}/${docid} - get info
  • GET /{db}/${docid} - get document
  • PUT /{db}/${docid} - create / update document
  • DELETE /{db}/${docid} - delete document
  • POST /{db}/_bulk_docs - upsert / delete documents
  • POST /{db}/_find - Find documents using a declarative JSON querying syntax
  • GET /{db}/_all_docs - executes the built-in _all_docs view

# Basic usage from axios

const authToken = Buffer.from(`${configs.couchUser}:${configs.couchPass}`).toString("base64");

const axiosClient = axios.create({
    baseURL: `${configs.couchHost}:${configs.couchPort}`,
    headers: {
    Authorization: `Basic ${authToken}`,

Create database & create index & set revision

const databaseName = `test_db`;

await axiosClient.put(`/${databaseName}`, {});

await axiosClient.post(`/${databaseName}/_index`, {
  index: {
    fields: ["createdAt"],

await axiosClient.put(`/${databaseName}/_revs_limit`, `20`);