# Data & Analytics

# Amazon Athena


  • Serverless query service to analyze data stored in Amazon S3
  • Uses standard SQL language to query the files (built on Presto)
  • Supports CSV, JSON, ORC, Avro, and Parquet
  • Pricing: $5.00 per TB of data scanned
  • Commonly used with Amazon Quicksight for reporting/dashboards

Use cases: Business intelligence / analytics / reporting, analyze & query VPC Flow Logs, ELB Logs, CloudTrail trails, etc...

Exam Tip

analyze data in S3 using serverless SQL, use Athena

# Performance Improvement

  • Use columnar data for cost-savings (less scan)
    • Apache Parquet or ORC is recommended
    • Huge performance improvement
    • Use Glue to convert your data to Parquet or ORC
  • Compress data for smaller retrievals (bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy, zlip, zstd…)
  • Partition datasets in S3 for easy querying on virtual columns
  • Example: s3://athena-examples/flight/parquet/year=1991/month=1/day=1/
  • Use larger files (> 128 MB) to minimize overhead

# Federated Query

Federated Query

  • Allows you to run SQL queries across data stored in relational, non-relational, object, and custom data sources (AWS or on-premises)
  • Uses Data Source Connectors that run on AWS Lambda to run Federated Queries (e.g., CloudWatch Logs, DynamoDB, RDS, …)
  • Store the results back in Amazon S3

# Redshift Overview

  • Redshift is based on PostgreSQL, but it’s not used for OLTP
  • It’s OLAP – online analytical processing (analytics and data warehousing)
  • 10x better performance than other data warehouses, scale to PBs of data
  • Columnar storage of data (instead of row based) & parallel query engine
  • Pay as you go based on the instances provisioned
  • Has a SQL interface for performing the queries
  • BI tools such as Amazon Quicksight or Tableau integrate with it
  • vs Athena: faster queries / joins / aggregations thanks to indexes

# Redshift Cluster


  • Leader node: for query planning, results aggregation
  • Compute node: for performing the queries, send results to leader
  • You provision the node size in advance
  • You can used Reserved Instances for cost savings

# Redshift – Snapshots & DR


  • Redshift has “Multi-AZ” mode for some clusters
  • Snapshots are point-in-time backups of a cluster, stored internally in S3
  • Snapshots are incremental (only what has changed is saved)
  • You can restore a snapshot into a new cluster
  • Automated: every 8 hours, every 5 GB, or on a schedule. Set retention between 1 to 35 days
  • Manual: snapshot is retained until you delete it
  • You can configure Amazon Redshift to automatically copy snapshots (automated or manual) of a cluster to another AWS Region

# Loading data into Redshift:

Large inserts are MUCH better


S3 COPY command

copy customer
from 's3://mybucket/mydata’
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole';

# Redshift Spectrum


  • Query data that is already in S3 without loading it
  • Must have a Redshift cluster available to start the query
  • The query is then submitted to thousands of Redshift Spectrum nodes

# Amazon OpenSearch Service

  • Amazon OpenSearch is successor to Amazon ElasticSearch
  • In DynamoDB, queries only exist by primary key or indexes…
  • With OpenSearch, you can search any field, even partially matches
  • It’s common to use OpenSearch as a complement to another database
  • Two modes: managed cluster or serverless cluster
  • Does not natively support SQL (can be enabled via a plugin)
  • Ingestion from Kinesis Data Firehose, AWS IoT, and CloudWatch Logs
  • Security through Cognito & IAM, KMS encryption, TLS
  • Comes with OpenSearch Dashboards (visualization)

# OpenSearch patterns DynamoDB


# OpenSearch patterns CloudWatch Logs


# OpenSearch patterns Kinesis Data Streams & Kinesis Data Firehose


# OpenSearch patterns Kinesis Data Streams


# Amazon EMR

  • EMR stands for “Elastic MapReduce”
  • EMR helps creating Hadoop clusters (Big Data) to analyze and process vast amount of data
  • The clusters can be made of hundreds of EC2 instances
  • EMR comes bundled with Apache Spark, HBase, Presto, Flink…
  • EMR takes care of all the provisioning and configuration
  • Auto-scaling and integrated with Spot instances

Use cases: data processing, machine learning, web indexing, big data…

# Amazon EMR – Node types & purchasing

  • Master Node: Manage the cluster, coordinate, manage health – long running
  • Core Node: Run tasks and store data – long running
  • Task Node (optional): Just to run tasks – usually Spot
  • Purchasing options:
    • On-demand: reliable, predictable, won’t be terminated
    • Reserved (min 1 year): cost savings (EMR will automatically use if available)
    • Spot Instances: cheaper, can be terminated, less reliable
  • Can have long-running cluster, or transient (temporary) cluster

# Amazon QuickSight

https://aws.amazon.com/quicksight/ (opens new window)

  • Serverless machine learning-powered business intelligence service to create interactive dashboards
  • Fast, automatically scalable, embeddable, with per-session pricing
  • Use cases:
    • Business analytics
    • Building visualizations
    • Perform ad-hoc analysis
    • Get business insights using data
  • Integrated with RDS, Aurora, Athena, Redshift, S3…
  • In-memory computation using SPICE engine if data is imported into QuickSight
  • Enterprise edition: Possibility to setup Column-Level security (CLS)

# QuickSight Integrations


# QuickSight – Dashboard & Analysis

  • Define Users (standard versions) and Groups (enterprise version)
    • These users & groups only exist within QuickSight, not IAM !!
  • A dashboard…
    • is a read-only snapshot of an analysis that you can share
    • preserves the configuration of the analysis (filtering, parameters, controls, sort)
  • You can share the analysis or the dashboard with Users or Groups
  • To share a dashboard, you must first publish it
  • Users who see the dashboard can also see the underlying data

# AWS Glue


  • Managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service
  • Useful to prepare and transform data for analytics
  • Fully serverless service

# Convert data into Parquet format


# Glue Data Catalog: catalog of datasets


# Things to know at a high-level

  • Glue Job Bookmarks: prevent re-processing old data
  • Glue Elastic Views:
    • Combine and replicate data across multiple data stores using SQL
    • No custom code, Glue monitors for changes in the source data, serverless
    • Leverages a “virtual table” (materialized view)
  • Glue DataBrew: clean and normalize data using pre-built transformation
  • Glue Studio: new GUI to create, run and monitor ETL jobs in Glue
  • Glue Streaming ETL (built on Apache Spark Structured Streaming): compatible with Kinesis Data Streaming, Kafka, MSK (managed Kafka)

# AWS Lake Formation


  • Data lake = central place to have all your data for analytics purposes
  • Fully managed service that makes it easy to setup a data lake in days
  • Discover, cleanse, transform, and ingest data into your Data Lake
  • It automates many complex manual steps (collecting, cleansing, moving, cataloging data, …) and de-duplicate (using ML Transforms)
  • Combine structured and unstructured data in the data lake
  • Out-of-the-box source blueprints: S3, RDS, Relational & NoSQL DB…
  • Fine-grained Access Control for your applications (row and column-level)
  • Built on top of AWS Glue

# AWS Lake Formation Centralized Permissions Example


# Kinesis Data Analytics for SQL applications


  • Real-time analytics on Kinesis Data Streams & Firehose using SQL
  • Add reference data from Amazon S3 to enrich streaming data
  • Fully managed, no servers to provision
  • Automatic scaling
  • Pay for actual consumption rate
  • Output:
    • Kinesis Data Streams: create streams out of the real-time analytics queries
    • Kinesis Data Firehose: send analytics query results to destinations

Use cases:

  • Time-series analytics
  • Real-time dashboards
  • Real-time metrics
  • Use Flink (Java, Scala or SQL) to process and analyze streaming data


  • Run any Apache Flink application on a managed cluster on AWS
    • provisioning compute resources, parallel computation, automatic scaling
    • application backups (implemented as checkpoints and snapshots)
    • Use any Apache Flink programming features
    • Flink does not read from Firehose (use Kinesis Analytics for SQL instead)

# Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)

  • Alternative to Amazon Kinesis
  • Fully managed Apache Kafka on AWS
    • Allow you to create, update, delete clusters
    • MSK creates & manages Kafka brokers nodes & Zookeeper nodes for you
    • Deploy the MSK cluster in your VPC, multi-AZ (up to 3 for HA)
    • Automatic recovery from common Apache Kafka failures
    • Data is stored on EBS volumes for as long as you want
  • MSK Serverless
    • Run Apache Kafka on MSK without managing the capacity
    • MSK automatically provisions resources and scales compute & storage

# Apache Kafka at a high level


# Kinesis Data Streams vs. Amazon MSK

Kinesis Data Streams Amazon MSK
1 MB message size limit 1MB default, configure for higher (ex: 10MB)
Data Streams with Shards Kafka Topics with Partitions
Shard Splitting & Merging Can only add partitions to a topic
TLS In-flight encryption PLAINTEXT or TLS In-flight Encryption
KMS at-rest encryption KMS at-rest encryption

# Amazon MSK Consumers


# Big Data Ingestion Pipeline


  • We want the ingestion pipeline to be fully serverless
  • We want to collect data in real time
  • We want to transform the data
  • We want to query the transformed data using SQL
  • The reports created using the queries should be in S3
  • We want to load that data into a warehouse and create dashboards

# Discussion

  • IoT Core allows you to harvest data from IoT devices
  • Kinesis is great for real-time data collection
  • Firehose helps with data delivery to S3 in near real-time (1 minute)
  • Lambda can help Firehose with data transformations
  • Amazon S3 can trigger notifications to SQS
  • Lambda can subscribe to SQS (we could have connecter S3 to Lambda)
  • Athena is a serverless SQL service and results are stored in S3
  • The reporting bucket contains analyzed data and can be used by reporting tool such as AWS QuickSight, Redshift, etc…