# Kafka vs Jetstream

Kafka has connector for Database, publish data change to kafka Kafka strong at scale & partition compatibity with cluster

  • broker at PROD at least 3

Kafka is a ditributed append only commit log

  • Base Kafka: store & replay of message logs
  • Kafka streams: built on top Base Kafka
  • append only WAL LOG
    • No deletes, just compaction

NATS + Jetstream is a ditributed messaging platform with persistent storage

  • Core NATs: fully-fledged distributed messaging system using subject based addressing. Such Request / Reply , Queuing, Pub / Sub
  • Jetstream: distributed persistence on top of Core NATs
  • JS is immediately consistent message STORE
    • can delete individual messages
  • JS is subject based addressing aware
    • you can address messages by subject
  • JS supports KV & Object Store

# Subject based addressing != Topics

With SBA, you can capture messages into streams using subject token wildcards.

  • Subjects do not need to be created ahead of time

Kafka, is one topic stream & up to the clients to constantly refresh the list of Topics to match agaist a Regex & start consuming from.

  • Topics have to be pre-defined before messages are stored (optionally created with default values)
  • Topic creation causes re-partitioning

# When producing messages

With SBA, the key (and/or unique id) of message is naturally included inside the subject (vs explicitly passed as separate argument)

  • can use as many tokens as you need (composite key vs single key)
  • can include things you know you are going to want to filter on when consuming (vs having to use Kafka Streams)
  • remember that subjects can always get mapped (partitioned, split & sliced)

# When consuming messages

Kafka is replay from offset only - or you have to use Kafka Streams to create filtered sub-streams

JS Client apps can also 'query' the stream using subject filters - pushes the filtering back to nats server vs full stream scan by client app - indexing is being used to avoid full stream scan by the server - Filtering is more than just by exact match: hierarchical filtering * and > wild cards - Filtering can be combined with JS time stamping & ability to start scanning from a point of time

# Consuming messages

  • Consumers vs Consumer Groups TERMINOLOGY:
    • JS Consumer = Kafka Consumer Group
    • JS Subscriber (to a Consumer) = Kafka Consumer
  • JS Consumers are:
    • Partition-less 'Consumer Group', distributes the messages btw the subscribing client apps.
    • Statefull, and the state can be persisted & repliated
  • JS Consumers can:
    • specify a subject filter that can include wildcards, are like a 'view' on a Stream (without having to use Kafka Stream)
    • use pull or push delivery mechanisms (vs pull only)
    • have one-to-many flow control as well as one-to-one flow control (pull)
  • Consumer positioning:
    • JS supports: all (start), new (end), message sequence (offset), plus last message, last message for each subject, and from a period of time in the past
    • Kafka is only start, end or specific offset

# Exactly once Quality of service

# At least once

  • JS consumers can automatically re-deliver messages & manage ack at the individual message sequence number level:
    • multiple kinds of ack(s) : ack, nack, term, in process
    • you control the re-delivery attempt backoff timings
    • can implement Dead Lock Queue (DLQ) type functionaltiy
  • Kafka consumer groups only support 'Ack All':
    • the client app needs to do it's 'seek' itself for re-deliveries

# Exactly once

Message de-duplication

  • JS has built-in message de-duplication over configurable time window which works across client app sessions.

    • It is now also possible to have message de-duplication that is not time limited & covers the entire contents of the stream
  • Kafka's built-in message de-duplication feature is limited: "The producer can only guarantee idempotence for messages sent within a single session"

    • app crashing before receiving the publication's ack & then restart & re-publishing is actually quite a likely scenario! => Needs Kafka Streams

Reliable message consumption

  • JS HAS A synchoronous double ack of the consumption of a message feature (AckAck)
  • With Kafka the client app must store both the offset & the results of the consumption to some outside system (in order to be able to store them atomically) => Needs Kafka Streams

# Store vs Log

  • Memory or file storage (Kafka is file only with memory just for caching)
  • JS Stream are read/write
    • working queue/ interest retention policies: use a stream as a queue
    • deletetion of individual messages (with optional 'safe delete' option)
  • Encryption at rest
  • Limits & discard policies:
    • JS
      • time, number of messages
      • exactly nper subject message limit
        • last value cache history of last values
        • distributed locks with discard new per subject
      • discard oldest or refuse the new message, limits are applied each time a new message is published.
      • limits are combined
    • Kafka log is append only with log compaction
      • compaction happends periodically, not each time a new message published: no 'discard policy'
      • time, number of messages
      • 'at least 1' message per key (but you still need to scan the whole stream to find your key)

# Scaling & partitioning: scaling the clusters

# JS

  • distributes the streams over the cluster
    • adding or removing servers from a cluster doesnt cause stream re-distribution (unless administratively trigger)
    • adding streams to a cluster means selecting servers for the stream
    • adding or removing client apps from a consumer doesnt cause any redistribution
  • can use mirroring btw clusters & leaf nodes to scale out streams

# Kafka

  • distributes the partitions over the servers & the client apps over the partitions
    • adding or removing servers from a cluster means redistributing the partitions
    • adding topics means distributing the partitions over the servers in the cluster
    • removing topics many mean re-distributing remaining streams' partitions over the servers in the cluster
    • adding or removing client apps from a consumer group means re-distributing the partitions over the client apps
  • requires mirror maker instances to mirror btw users

# Security

  • Security models:
    • Kafka: plain or certificate based authentication
    • JS: plain, certificate or JWT-based delegated authentication/authorization with accounts and users
  • Multi-tenant security model:
    • JS
      • each account (i.e. tenant) has its own completedly independent subject namespace.
      • within an account, each user in a tenant can be allowed/denied on a per-subject (and per stream operation) basis
      • ability to import/export message streams (with on the fly subject mapping if needed) between accounts
    • Kafka
      • must manually carve parts of the topic namespace for each tenant

# Ecosystem

https://www.benthos.dev/ https://github.com/nats-io/nats-kafka

# Functional overlap

  • Kafka broker JVM

  • Zookeeper JVM

  • Kafka Streams JVM

  • Mirror Maker JVM

  • Redis

  • Messaging broker

  • Kafka Connect JVM

  • NATS Server

  • Benthos
