NAT = Network Address Translation RFC 1631, 1918, 2663


  • Imcomming: change the destination
  • Ougoing: change the source



  • Local network = inside
  • Public internet = outside

# How NAT works

How NAT works

# Types

NAT types

  • Static: 1 local IP <--> 1 global IP
  • Dynamic:
    • n local IP <--> m global IP
    • NAT choose 1 available global IP
  • Overloading:
    • n local IP <--> 1 global IP
    • concurrent connection
    • NAT: <local IP, local port> <--> <global IP, global port>
  • Overlapping
    • NAT: <local IP, port> <--> <global IP, port>
    • ouside can access inside actively