# Stripe notes

# Paypal vs Stripe

Feature PayPal Stripe
Focus C2B B2B
Checkout customization Limited High
API Basic Robust
Fees Generally higher More competitive
User base Larger Smaller

# Digital Wallets

Stripe supports digital wallet payments.   Stripe offers integration with various popular digital wallets, allowing customers to make purchases using their preferred payment method. This includes wallets like:

  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Samsung Pay

By accepting digital wallet payments, Stripe makes the checkout process smoother and more convenient for customers.

Stripe also has its own Issuing product which allows businesses to create and manage their own virtual and physical cards. These cards can then be added to digital wallets, providing another level of integration.

# Snippets

# Basic

# Init


import Stripe from 'stripe'

export class StripeService {
  private _stripe: Stripe
  constructor() {
    this._stripe = new Stripe(process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY as string, {
      apiVersion: '2022-11-15',



import { type Appearance, type StripeElementLocale, type StripeElementsOptions } from '@stripe/stripe-js'

const appearance: Appearance = {
    theme: 'night',
const options: StripeElementsOptions = {
    locale: locale as StripeElementLocale,
    loader: 'auto',

const paymentElementOptions: StripePaymentElementOptions = {
  layout: {
    type: 'accordion',
    defaultCollapsed: false,
    radios: false,
    spacedAccordionItems: true,
import {
} from '@stripe/react-stripe-js'

import { PaymentIntentResult, StripePaymentElementOptions, loadStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js'

const options = {
    defaultValues: {
        email: useCognito?.attributes?.email || '',

<Elements options={options} stripe={loadStripe(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY as string)}>
    <form id='payment-form' onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
            onFocus={() => setError(null)}
            onLoaderStart={() => setIsLoader(false)}
        {isEnableUI('payment.link') && useCognito?.attributes?.email && (
                // Optional prop for prefilling customer information

            disabled={!stripe || !elements || !checked}
            type='submit'>{`${t('Pay')} ${formatFiatMoney(total)}`}</Button>

# Submit

function () {
  const stripe = useStripe()
  const elements = useElements()

  const handleSubmit = async () => {
    if (!stripe || !elements) {

    const { paymentIntent, error } = await stripe.confirmPayment({
      confirmParams: {
        return_url: String(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL) + pathname,
      redirect: 'if_required',
    if (paymentIntent?.status === 'succeeded') {

# Stripe Connect

# separate charges and transfers (opens new window)

Backend createPaymentIntent

const _connectAccountId = this._connectAccountId
const orderId = order.id

const paymentIntent = await this._stripe.paymentIntents.create({
    currency: this._currency,
    automatic_payment_methods: {
        enabled: true,
    metadata: {
        address: account.walletAddress,
        destination: _connectAccountId,
    transfer_group: _connectAccountId,

Backend createTransfer

const _connectAccountId = this._connectAccountId

const transfer = await this._stripe.transfers.create({
  amount: 2000,
  currency: this._currency,
  destination: _connectAccountId,
  transfer_group: _connectAccountId,

Backend webhook

async handleWebhook(@Req() req: RequestWithRawBody) {
    const sig = req.headers['stripe-signature']
     const event = this._stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(body, sig, this._endpointSecret)

    if (!event) throw new BadRequestException('Invalid signature')
    const transferGroup = get(event, 'data.object.transfer_group')

    if (transferGroup !== process.env.STRIPE_CONNECT_ACCOUNT_ID) {
      throw new BadRequestException('incorrect transfer group')

    switch (event.type) {
      case 'charge.succeeded':
        await this.stripeService.handleChargeSucceededEvent(event)
    return { message: 'success' }

# Add Cards / Payment methods

# Attach


const paymentMethodId = res?.paymentMethod?.id
const res = await stripe?.createPaymentMethod({
    type: 'card',
    card: input.card,

const paymentMethodId = res?.paymentMethod?.id


let stripeCustomerId = account.stripeCustomerId
if (!stripeCustomerId) {
     const customer = await this._stripe.customers.create({
        name: name,
        email: email,
    stripeCustomerId = customer.id

const attachPaymentToCustomer = await this._stripe.paymentMethods.attach(paymentMethodId, {
    customer: stripeCustomerId,

# Detach


await this.stripeService.detachPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId)

# Get


const paymentMethods = await this._stripe.customers.listPaymentMethods(stripeCustomerId, {
    limit: 5,

# FE

const NEW_CARD_OPTION = 'card'
let paymentIntent, error

const isInputNewCard = paymentMethodSelected === NEW_CARD_OPTION

if (isInputNewCard) {
    await elements.submit()
    const result = await stripe.confirmPayment({
        clientSecret: clientSecret,
        confirmParams: {
            return_url: String(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL) + pathname,
        redirect: 'if_required',
    ;({ paymentIntent, error } = result)
} else {
    const result = await stripe.confirmPayment({
        clientSecret: clientSecret,
        confirmParams: {
            payment_method: paymentMethodSelected,
            return_url: String(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL) + pathname,
        redirect: 'if_required',
    ;({ paymentIntent, error } = result)

# Stripe API Redesign

Stripe API Redesign

Stage 1 2011: The Stripe API, or what could be described as “7 lines of code”, revolved around the Charge concept. At this point, it exclusively handled card payments.

Stage 2 2011-2015: the Stripe API introduced the Token API. Its goal was to enable its customers to avoid the complex and tedious process of adhering to PCI compliance requirements.

Stage 3 2015: ACH and Bitcoin payments entered the scene. Because these types of transactions needed some time to “finalize”, Stripe integrated a feedback loop into the API. The change helped indicate the success of the charge.

Stage 4 2015-2017: This stage saw the addition of even more payment methods, including AliPay, WeChat Pay, and iDeal. As a result, the Source API was developed as an abstraction to support these varying payment methods.

Stage 5 2017-2018: As the number of supported payment methods grew, the team spent several months drafting a Unified Payments API, with the introduction of PaymentIntents and PaymentMethod.

Stage 6 2018-2020: Stripe invested two years to migrate their clients to the Unified Payments API.