# Monad

⚡️ Tags: 📍FP 📍Pattern

Monads are a design pattern that allows a user to chain operations while the monad manages secret work behind the scenes.

The Absolute Best Intro to Monads For Software Engineers (opens new window)


# Monad Components:

  1. Wrapper Type
  2. Wrap Function allows entry to monad ecosystem aka return, pure, unit
  3. Run Function runs transformations on monadic values aka bind, flatMap, >>=
// 1. Wrapper Type
interface NumberWithLogs {
  result: number
  logs: string[]

function square(x: number): NumberWithLogs {
  return {
    result: x * x,
    logs: [`Squared ${x} to get ${x * x}`],

function addOne(x: number): NumberWithLogs {
  return {
    result: x + 1,
    logs: [`Added 1 to ${x} to get ${x + 1}`],

// 2. Wrap Function
function wrapWithLogs(x: number) : NumberWithLogs {
  return {
    result: xm
    logs: [],

// 3. Run Function
function runWithLogs(input: NumberWithLogs, transform: (_: number) => NumberWithLogs) : NumberWithLogs {
  const newNumberWithLogs = transform(input.result);
  return {
    result: newNumberWithLogs.result,
    logs: input.logs.concat(newNumberWithLogs.logs)
Monad Abstracts Away
NumberWithLogs / Writer accumulation of log data
Option possibility of missing values
Future / Promise possibility for values to only become available later
List branching computation

# Maybe

// 1. Wrap type
// T : raw type
// Option<T>: wrapped T
type Option<T>; 

// 2. Wrap function
function some<T>(x: T): Option<T> {
  // ...

// 3. Run function
function run<T>(input: Option<T>, transform: (_: T)): Option<T>  {
  if (input === none) {
    return none;
  return transform(input.value)