# Generate ID


  • Globally unique
  • Roughly sorted by time
  • Numerical values only
  • 64 bits
  • Highly scalable, low latency

Generate ID

# DB Auto-increment

  • ✅ Easy to setup
  • ❌ Only works in a singler server setup
  • ❌ Security issue See: Insecure direct object references


  • ✅ Easy to generate, globally unique
  • ❌ Very long, not sorted by time, not numeric

# DB ticket server

  • ✅ DB Auto-increment is well understood
  • ❌ Single Point Of Failure (SPOF) if a server is used
  • ❌ IDs are not sorted if multiple servers are used

# Redis

  • ✅ Dont rely on DB
  • ❌ Adding or removing Redis servers cause complexity

# Twitter Snowflake Id

  • ✅ Open sourced by Twitter
  • ✅ Widely used in the industry
  • ✅ Dicord / Twitter used this

# Refs