# Code structure

# Package by Layer


├── com.app
    └── controller
        ├── CompanyController
        ├── ProductController
        └── UserController
    └── model
        ├── Company   
        ├── Product
        └── User
    └── repository
        ├── CompanyRepository   
        ├── ProductRepository
        └── UserRepository
    └── service
        ├── CompanyService
        ├── ProductService
        └── UserService
    └── util

-> low cohesion

# Package by Feature

├── com.app
    └── company
        ├── Company
        ├── CompanyController
        ├── CompanyRepository        
        └── CompanyService
    └── product
        ├── Product   
        ├── ProductController
        ├── ProductRepository
        └── ProductService
    └── util
    └── user
        ├── User   
        ├── UserController
        ├── UserRepository
        └── UserService
  • high cohesion within packages & low coupling between packages.
  • reduces the need to navigate between packages
  • allows some classes to set their access modifier package-private instead of public, so it increases encapsulation
  • Package by Feature is like microservice architecture. Each package is limited to classes related to a particular feature. On the other hand, Package By Layer is monolithic. As an application grows in size, the number of classes in each package will increase without bound.

# Atomic Design Pattern:

  • Atoms: Basic building blocks of matter, such as a button, input or a form label. They’re not useful on their own.
  • Molecules: Grouping atoms together, such as combining a button, input and form label to build functionality.
  • Organisms: Combining molecules together to form organisms that make up a distinct section of an interface (i.e. navigation bar)
  • Templates: Consisting mostly of groups of organisms to form a page — where clients can see a final design in place.
  • Pages: An ecosystem that views different template renders. We can create multiple ecosystems into a single environment — the application.
├── components
    ├── Buttons
        └── Delete
            ├── DeleteButton.jsx
            ├── styles.css
            └── test.js
        └── Submit
            ├── SubmitButton.jsx
            ├── styles.css
            └── test.js
    ├── Form
        └── Login
            ├── LoginForm.jsx
            ├── styles.css
            └── test.js
        └── Register
            ├── RegisterForm.jsx
            ├── styles.css
            └── test.js
    ├── styles
    ├── App.jxs
    └── index.js

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