# Vuepress
# Commands
Command-line Interface (opens new window)
# Usage
vuepress <command> [options]
dev [targetDir] start development server
build [targetDir] build dir as static site
eject [targetDir] copy the default theme into .vuepress/theme for customization.
info Shows debugging information about the local environment
# Plugins
# Vuepress docs
https://vuepress.vuejs.org/ (opens new window)
# vuepress-plugin-container
https://vuepress.github.io/en/plugins/container/#usage (opens new window)
# Element-tabs
https://superbiger.github.io/vuepress-plugin-tabs/#install (opens new window)
# Add tags
tags: ["vuepress", "vuejs"]
# Adding Tags to Vuepress
<TagLinks />