# Laravel Notes

⚡️ Tags: 📍Framework

# Split the routes

1./ Create new files to store the routes: app\routes\main.php

2./ At file routes.php, include the seperated routes

require app_path() . '/routes/main.php';

# Register new Module

1./ Add piece of codes at file composer.json

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Khank\\": "app/modules/"

2./ Run the command:

composer dump-autoload 

3./ Define a class at app/modules/Test.php

namespace Khank;

class Test {
    static function info() {
        echo 'hello';
  1. Usage:
echo \Khank\Test::info(); // hello

# Artisan to Develop

# List

List all of commands availabel

./artisan list

# Essential Command

After creating new class Controller / Model / Command, lang files ... except views pages, then need run these commands:

composer dump-autoload && ./artisan dump-autoload && ./artisan optimize && ./artisan cache:clear

# Migration and Db Seeding

./artisan migrate

./artisan db:seed --class=InitSeeder

# Maintain website

php artisan down --message="Hello, 503"

# HMVC For Laravel

A good article to build this thing (opens new window)

Focus on booting in ServiceProvide

* Perform post-registration booting of services.
public function boot()
    $directories = array_map('basename', File::directories(__DIR__));
    foreach ($directories as $moduleName) {

private function _registerModule($moduleName) {
    $modulePath = __DIR__ . "/$moduleName/";
    // boot route
    if (File::exists($modulePath . "routes.php")) {
        $this->loadRoutesFrom($modulePath . "routes.php");
    // boot migration
    if (File::exists($modulePath . "Migrations")) {
        $this->loadMigrationsFrom($modulePath . "Migrations");
    // boot languages
    if (File::exists($modulePath . "Languages")) {
        $this->loadTranslationsFrom($modulePath . "Languages", $moduleName);
    // boot views
    if (File::exists($modulePath . "Views")) {
        $this->loadViewsFrom($modulePath . "Views", $moduleName);

# Eloquent Tricks

# Customize time column

Instead of using default column name

class User extends Model
    const CREATED_AT = 'created_time';
    const UPDATED_AT = 'udpated_time';
    const DELETED_AT = 'removed_time';

# Check object is persistence

$user->exists; /// boolean 

# Check object is changed

$user->isDirty(); /// boolean
$user->isDirty(['email', 'name']); 

/// get what 
$user->getDirty(); /// array

# Get original data

$user->getOriginal(); /// array

# Clone a instance

$user = User::first();
$clonedUser = $user->replicate();

# Refresh (grab from Database)

$user->name= 'Nguyen';
$user->address->city = "HCM City";

/// data of user is back to original. 

# Skip events

$user = User::withoutEvents(function () {
    return factory(User::class)->create(); 

# Save self & relations

$user->name = 'Nguyen';
$user->address->city = "HCM City";

/// will save relations & self attributes

# Force delete


# Soft delete

A good article (opens new window)

# Define extra attribute

protected $appends = ['full_name'];

public function getFullNameAttribute()
    return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

# And Query

// normal way 
User::where('first_name', 'DepTrai')
    ->where('age', 25)

// special way
User::whereFirstNameAndAge('DepTrai', 25)->get();

# Tricks

# Laravel Path

public_path(); // Path of public/
base_path(); // Path of application root
storage_path(); // Path of storage/
app_path(); // Path of app/

# Send data to view

// normal way 
return view('admin.article.edit', [
	'article' => $article,
	'categories' => $categories,
	'editor' => $editor,

// shorter way: use `compact` function
return view('admin.article.edit', compact(

# Remove public in URL

  • 1/ Rename /server.php to /index.php
  • 2/ Copy /public/.htaccess to /.htaccess
  • 3/ Update config asset_url at /config/app.php