# Verb and URI (REST)

# API Design Implementation Maturity

Every API design implementation using the HTTP protocol MUST use the appropriate HTTP Request Method (Richardson Maturity Model Level 2 (opens new window)) to implement an action afforded by a resource.

# URI as Resource

An URI MUST target at least one identity of a resource.

URI is meant to express a identity of a resource. The only exception is a command associated with a resource e.g. /images/migrate-check-transparency

# Resource

Resource SHOULD be plural noun e.g. users, groups, decks...

Kebab-case MUST be used (hyphen (-) separated words) e.g. /system-users.

An URI MUST NOT end with a trailing slash (/).

# Verbs Examples

  • GET: for read data. For example:
    • GET /v1/users: response list of users
    • GET /v1/users/:userId : response one user.
  • POST: for creating data, or triggering a command. For example:
    • POST /v1/users: create user.
    • POST /v1/events/re-sync: trigger command re-sync events.
  • PUT: create/update data (related: post-vs-put.md). For example:
    • PUT /v1/users/:userId : update user with given userId.
  • DELETE: delete data. For example:
    • DELETE /v1/users/:userId : delete user.
  • PATCH: partially update data. For example:
    • PATCH /v1/users/:userId where body only contains firstName to only update firstName of the user.

# Query Parameters

camelCase must be used for query parameters.

# URI Template Variables

URI Template Variable names MUST use camelCase and follow the RFC6570 (opens new window). That is, the variable names can consist only from ALPHA / DIGIT / "_" / pct-encoded.

NOTE: Per RFC6570 Hyphen (-) is NOT legal URI Template variable name character.

# Example

A well-formed URI Template Variable:
