# Error Responses

Error responses should following the following format:

"status": "ERROR",
"type": "InternalServerError",
"detail": "UON system is down",
"correlationId": "53bffb246fb16f60613abf31a95102a3"


  • status: "ERROR"
  • type: the specific error class name. Always have post-fixed with "Error"
  • detail: extra detail about the error
  • correlationId: request's tracing id

Error response can have extra fields depending on the specific error to provide more programmatic detail to the client. For example, field maxTotalUons in:

  "status": "ERROR",
  "type": "MaximumNumberOfUONsExceededError",
  "detail": "The maximum number of UONs authorized for this distribution has been exceeded",
  "correlationId": "53bffb246fb16f60613abf31a95102a3",
  "maxTotalUons": 10000

Public endpoints MUST use this convention by default.

Existing legacy endpoints MUST gradually refactor to this convention by applying UseNewErrorFormatGuard on the controller method:

  @UseGuards(UseNewErrorFormatGuard) // MUST apply for legacy endpoint to apply new convention
    @Req() request: AppRequest,
    @Body() codes: CollectCodeRedeemPayload,
  ) {
    return this.collectCodeRedeemInteractor.execute(request, codes);