# RESTful Comparison

⚡️ Tags: 📍Comparison 📍DistributedSystem 📍Communication

# Overall

Released Year 1999 2000 2015 1998 XML-RPC
Organized in terms of enveloped message structure compliance with 6 arch constraints schema & type system local procedure call
Format XML XML, JSON, HTML, plain text JSON JSON, XML, Protobuf, Thrift, FlatBuffers
Learning curve Difficult Easy Medium Easy
Community Small Large Growing Large
Use cases - payment gateways
- identity management
- CRM solutions
- financial & telecommunication services
- legacy system support
- public APIs
- simple resource-driven apps
- mobile APIs
- complex systems
- micro-services
- command & action oriented APIs
- high perf communication in massive micro-services systems

Read more soap-vs-rest-vs-graphql-vs-rpc (opens new window)

# RESTful vs RPC

Communication between different software systems can be established using either RPC (Remote Procedure Call) or RESTful (Representational State Transfer) protocols, which allow multiple systems to work together in distributed computing.

Feature REST RPC
Coupling ✅ Weak coupling ❌ Strong coupling
Data format text, XML, JSON Binary thirft, protobuf, Avro
Communication Protocol HTTP TCP
Performance ❌ Lower than RPC ✅ High
Interface definition languge (IDL) Swagger thrift, protobuf
Client code generation Auto-generated stub Auto-generated stub
Language Framework SpringMVC, ... gRPC, thrift
Developer friendness ✅ human readable, easy to debug ❌ human unreadable, hard to debug

When choosing between RPC and RESTful, consider your application's needs. RPC might be a better fit if you require a more action-oriented approach with custom operations, while RESTful would be a better choice if you prefer a standardized, resource-based approach that utilizes HTTP methods.

# RESTful vs GraphQl

Feature REST GraphQL
Client-Server Arch
Tooling Server
Tooling Client
Declarative data fetching
Format JSON, XML, HTML, Plain text JSON
Methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS Query & Mutation & Subscription
Protocols Used HTTP HTTP, Websocket
Use cases Public APIs Mobile APIs, complex, nested data dependencies